Spies In Disguise duo Nick Bruno and Troy Quane return with beautiful LGBT story
By Linda Marric
Wes Anderson has assembled an all-star cast for this tender yet devastating story set at a stargazers' convention
An author finds himself on a film set during a pilgrimage to Silesia
By Nicholas Lezard
Ezra Miller leads a set of hugely likeable characters in classiest instalment in series to date
Mark Rylance stars in psychological thriller about a troubled young man searching for closure
There is something very familiar - and brilliant - in the stage adaptation of the 1993 movie
By John Nathan
The Oscar-winning lyricist behind five James Bond theme tunes reveals how, at the age of 84, he is busier than ever
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Watchmen director Stephen Williams's film about Joseph Bologne fails to hit the right notes
Seventh film in series is silly, overinflated and feels interminably slow
Pioneering titan of the British film and television industry
By Tina McFarlane
Tina Satter's powerful directorial debut presents a dramatic true story
By Stephen Applebaum
Film and TV composer who helped Stanley Kubrick transition from still images into motion pictures
By Nathan Abrams
The story of the young US Air Force translator who received the longest prison sentence ever for the unauthorised release of government information
Director Paul Schrader's latest exploration of modern masculinity sees a taciturn horticulturist reflecting on his dark past
'The Zone of Interest' won the Grand Prix at the prestigious film festival
By JC Reporter
Filmmaker Jalmari Helander mixes thrilling action sequences with nifty Sergio Leon-esque spaghetti western tropes