Jordanian film Farha, which depicts Israeli soldiers executing a Palestinian family in cold blood, was launched by streaming service in most countries this week
By David Rose
Josh Howie applauds David Baddiel's documentary on the left's blind spot
By Josh Howie
In the macho world of Israel’s international TV hit series, women play a powerful role on and off screen
By Francine White
Karen E H Skinazi picks her favourite screen depictions of the High Holy Days
By Karen E H Skinazi
The reality TV star has had a turbulent time but, he tells Sandy Rashty, life is good now
By Sandy Rashty
Netflix's portrayal of how an attempt to replay the famous festival three decades on is a detailed autopsy of the decline and fall of teenagekind
Season four of HBO series has pulled a narrative magic trick and is up and running stronger than ever
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The former party leader gave an interview to interview to Lebanese station Al-Mayadeen, which has frequently employed antisemitic rhetoric in its opinion and analysis content
By Jonathan Sacerdoti
Dell'Olio joins Birds of a Feather actress Lesley Joseph and All Saints singer Melanie Blatt in the famous BBC kitchen
By Nicole Lampert
With its outdated style this documentary could have been made decades ago but with a subject this fascinating - and interviews with Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Barbra Streisand - this is unmissable television
Trump's victory in 2016 inspired a series about cyber warfare
Britain’s broadcasting watchdog said celebrating the terrorist murderer of tour guide Eli Kay as a 'martyr' on TV was acceptable as presenting events from a 'Palestinian perspective'
By Felix Pope
The veteran of many successful Israeli TV series believes this is her best role yet
This deep connection had a tremendous effect on the image of the British in Israel for years
By Einav Schiff
Michael Bond was gripped by the sight of these young Jewish children stepping off a train at Reading station
By Nic North
The second series sees lil Dicky creatively blocked and pining for lost, authentic love