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David Baddiel: Jews Don't Count TV review: Five stars for this primer on antisemitism

Josh Howie applauds David Baddiel's documentary on the left's blind spot

November 21, 2022 22:14
Medium 73707 1 David Baddiel Jews Don-t Count-7
David Baddiel and David Schwimmer in New York
2 min read

David Baddiel: Jews Don't Count
Channel 4 | ★★★★★

To be honest I’m getting just a wee bit sick of antisemitism. My latest analogy is it’s like being in a hypobaric chamber, the pressure infinitesimally increasing day to week to year, the body adjusting as best it can to the bends, until everything explodes. At which point the chamber resets and starts again.

David Baddiel’s documentary Jews Don’t Count on Channel 4 isn’t really about getting those on the controls to alleviate the most recent crush of these last few years, it’s more about trying to get those on the controls, to first recognise that they’re even on the controls. Which is a particularly difficult undertaking when they see themselves as the type of people who’d never ever touch the controls, they’re anti-controls, if fact they’re against all forms of controls, they don’t have a control bone…alright, enough of this analogy!

I don’t need to tell you how insidious a racism antisemitism is, but we’re not who this was made for. It’s always good to be given a reminder, to have some of the most modern forms of this ancient prejudice clearly articulated, but like the book this is based on, this is a primer, a beginner’s guide, and under that remit it does its job very well.