Investigation ordered into the number of Jewish people killed during the Nazi occupation of Alderney
By Felix Pope
Youngest glider pilot who fought at Arnhem during the Second World War
By Martin Sugarman
The reputation of France’s wartime leader comes under the microscope in Julian Jackson's scholarly work
By Daniel Snowman
Memorial erected in Fischamend in memory of Dr Richard Winter, who was forced to leave the town in 1938 because he was a Jew but returned to care for its people after the war
By Rob Hyde
Henny Franks fled Nazi persecution in Cologne, western Germany, on the kindertransport as a teenager
By Gaby Wine
Vilhelm Junnila, from the far-right Finns Party, was only sworn-in to his new role on Tuesday
By JC Reporter
Diplomat Meryl Frank spent years tracing the wartime fate of her Lithuanian relative. But the truth was sitting on her bookshelf
By Jenni Frazer
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Statue by city boy who fled on last children’s train in 1939 is rededicated in special ceremony
By Daniel Ben-David
The statue daubed with word ‘Shame’ has been a battleground for years
By Liam Hoare
Refugee scholar who analysed how Austrian and German nationalism fostered Nazism
By Geoffrey Alderman
Filmmaker Jalmari Helander mixes thrilling action sequences with nifty Sergio Leon-esque spaghetti western tropes
By Linda Marric
By Rafael Behr
The use of the Third Reich to score political points or make glib analogies betrays our past
European nation will erect a monument to commemorate those who perished under Hitler's regime
Youngest Nazi war crimes prosecutor who campaigned for international justice
By John Cooper
The Warsaw ghetto uprising took place on erev Pesach 80 years ago. What did we learn?
By Eli Abt
Max Friedman, the son of two Holocaust survivors, was reluctant to see Steven Spielberg’s film when it came out in 1993. But when he did, it changed his life
By Karen Glaser