Geoffrey Alderman
Obituary: Professor Peter Pulzer
Refugee scholar who analysed how Austrian and German nationalism fostered Nazism
Obituary: Godfrey Bradman
Philanthropic developer who campaigned for affordable housing
Obituary: Mino Green
Inventive scientist whose pioneering work helped develop the lithium battery and the flat-screen TV
Obituary: Dr Lionel Kopelowitz
Controversial Board of Deputies chief who became embroiled in government shechita furore
Obituary: John Bloom
King of the twin-tub: ruthless entrepreneur who broke resale price maintenance "cartel"
Obituary: Baroness Warnock
Philosopher who helped create the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act
Obituary: Lewis Elton
Distinguished physicist who worked to raise the "amateur" status of university teaching
Obituary: George Pinto
Unapologetic Zionist, merchant banker and talented eccentric
Obituary: David Lowenthal
Historian who launched heritage studies as a new academic discipline
Obituary: Jo Wagerman
Indefatigable head teacher who won grant maintained status for JFS
Obituary: Professor Miriam Griffin
Leading classicist who debunked teh view of Nero as an autocratic bully
Obituary: Eric Graus
He flew the flag for Herut and boosted the Soviet Jewry campaign
Moneyed machers with ambition
It's time to close the JLC says Geoffrey Alderman
Obituary: Aharon Shteinman
Charedi 'kingmaker' who guided Strictly Orthodox into the modern world
Obituary: Si Newhouse
Billionaire publisher who transformed Vogue into a photo-news magazine.
Obituary: Jerry Lewis
The entertainer, movie star and director Jerry Lewis, who has died in his 92nd year, was the master of the so-called “visual gag”
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