Amid concern for pupil welfare, school in London’s poorest borough drops proposal following JC’s reporting
By Jane Prinsley
Half of the pupils at George Green's School in Tower Hamlets would qualify for free school meals
King David Liverpool is the best North-West comprehensive in the newspaper’s annual Parent Power list.
By Simon Rocker
Five Jewish schools make the top 100 for academic progress nationally
New twinning programme hopes to deepen pupil’s ties with Israel
A pioneering study into the lives of young Jews reveals the impact of Jewish education
By Dr Helena Miller
By Maccabi GB
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Scottish teachers’ union faces backlash over ‘hostile’ teaching resources
JLC say plan could ‘damage’ community cohesion
By Lorin Bell-Cross
Multi-academy trusts will remain the way forward for many schools, believes Adam Goldstein, the new ceo of the Jewish Community Academy Trust
Oxford University Press consulted with Jewish experts after receiving complaints from communal body
Inspectors report high academic expectations at secondary schools in Salford and London
Creating healthy digital habits is crucial to children’s wellbeing
By Gemma Handelsman
The school says it will amend questions about religious observance on application forms to ensure that they are clear and fair
Community leaders in Ireland reveal that Jewish pupils are changing schools to escape hate as new report exposes shocking bias in textbooks