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Family & Education

Are children encouraged enough to be creative?

Cultivating creativity in school is indispensible for later life

December 16, 2024 11:08
primary school, art classes (Photo: Getty Images)
It is vital that children are given opportunties to be creative during their schooling, says Rabbi Daniel Fine (Photo: Getty Images)
2 min read

My worst educational experience was summer camp. I was 11 (and very homesick). The camp was split into groups for a competition.

We were given paper, glue and the like to make a contraption to throw an egg off a bridge, to try and have it land without being damaged. A classic camp activity.

I came up with a plan. Instead of making a makeshift failure of a parachute like the others, why not use our allocation to create a zip-wire contraption, thereby allowing our celebrated egg to sail safely along the string in a basket to safety? Brilliant!

We watched group after group smash their egg off the bridge with their makeshift parachutes. Then it was our turn. I watched the judges’ faces as we calmly strode up to the bridge, connected our string and stood back confidently as our egg made its majestic way to the ground. Then came the silence.

