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100 per cent success for Simon Marks in SATS

The Stoke Newington school tops the honours board for Jewish primaries this year

December 16, 2024 17:34
Simon Marks.JPG
More than Sat-isfied: the succesful year-6 at Simon Marks Jewish Primary
1 min read

Simon Marks Primary in Stoke Newington has topped the Jewish primary school tables after all its pupils who took SATS this year reached the expected national standard for literacy and numeracy.

The school was one of just 53 primaries in England — out of a total of 20,940 — which achieved a 100 per cent clean sweep in the annual spring tests.

Year 6 pupils sat tests in reading and maths in May, while their writing was assessed by their teachers.

Simon Marks is one of the smallest Jewish schools in the country with just eight pupils taking their SATS this year.