You don’t often see a performance that is flawless, but this is just that
By Stephen Pollard
The verbatim piece, which addresses the 'ancient prejudice' against Jews, is to be staged at a theatre recently embroiled in a controversy over alleged antisemitism
By John Nathan
The veteran of many successful Israeli TV series believes this is her best role yet
By Francine White
This deep connection had a tremendous effect on the image of the British in Israel for years
By Einav Schiff
The second instalment of David Eldridge’s trilogy isn’t quite as compelling as Beginning but it’s good enough to look forward to End
The superhero artist leaves behind an important legacy not only as a storyteller but also for his campaigning as a proud Jew
By Joel Meadows
Starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Sam Raimi's production also sees the return of MCU favourites Elizabeth Olsen, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Benedict Wong
By Linda Marric
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Bob Fosse’s iconic musical film makes a welcome return to the big screen this week to celebrate its 50th anniversary
Mark Rylance is back in the latest revival of Jez Butterworth's groundbreaking play alongside the equally wonderful Mackenzie Crook as his hanger-on mate Ginger
Miramax has agreed to waive a demand from a young British composer to secure the rights to set The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas to music, following the JC’s intervention
By Nic North
By Karen E H Skinazi
When I sent in my application, I thought: I am an academic. My destiny is to write obscure articles that have a readership of 10, max.
Julia Quinn talks of her family heartbreak and why as a Jew she chooses to embrace diverse casting
By Nicole Lampert
Israel Goldman has amassed more than 1,000 of Kawanabe Kyosai’s works, some of which are included in the exhibition
By Anthea Gerrie
Just 17, Yoav Levanon is already hailed by the critics. The JC meets the pianist on his UK debut
By Jessica Duchen
As he directs Ralph Fiennes in David Hare’s latest play, Sir Nicholas Hytner meets John Nathan
The core story is of someone struggling to survive the system, rather than confront it.
By Josh Howie