The diversity agenda in the arts excludes films focusing on a certain minority community
By Michael Etherton
By Josh Glancy
A new biography of Joseph Roth shows the contrast with our more affluent, comfortable lifestyles — and the victims of our modern quality of life are great art, music and literature
Joy Sable revisits Kenneth MacMillan’s dark masterpiece, giving it five stars
By Joy Sable
By Ian Bloom
Frederick Forsyth only set out to write a popular novel. But his plot drew readers were in to groundbreaking geopolitics
By Kate Maltby
Now it's time for the real test of British theatre
By Nathan Abrams
A new film biography opens next week of the film star who converted when she married legendary playright Arthur Miller
The story ’s theme of an outsider battling against the social order is — despite the troubling subject matter — typically Jewish
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Created by New Yorkers Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, the first teen superhero captured audiences from the start
By Joel Meadows
By Stephen Pollard
"When was the last time a Jew was shot in London?", asked Kate Copstick
By Vivi Lachs
The arrival of Eastern European Jews in the mid-1880s led to London becoming a hive of Yiddish culture, now all but lost
By Keren David
It is fabulous to see your own community on stage, but toe-curling when it hits a bum note
By David Baddiel
Who wouldn’t want to watch Saul Bellow on Love Island?
By Zoe Strimpel
Yes, there are some Jews who don’t lap up classic Broadway shows or adore Barbra Streisand
By Karen E H Skinazi
Rama Burshtein-Shai's Fir Dance has created a huge storm in Israel
Donations are needed to renovate the shuls of the ghetto reports Eli Abt
By Eli Abt
This examination of the seemingly simple street food works at the very least as a reappraisal of the myriad ways its elements combine to create something larger than themselves
By Josh Howie