New podcast will explore his teachings to gauge how he might have reacted
By Simon Rocker
The initiative aims to provide strength and inspiration to those serving in the IDF
By JC Reporter
Recent events in the Middle East have given some of our prayers a new resonance
David Latchman, author of a new book on Orthodox leaders in the UK, explains his choice
Rabbi Cobi Ebrahimoff is to becomes director of education for the Rabbi Sacks Legacy
Local activist Damian McCarthy - who was allegedly behind a Twitter account that claimed Zionists collaborated with the Nazis - is kicked out of party
By David Rose
Danker, who previously worked for the late Rabbi Lord Sacks, will be subject to an external investigation after a formal complaint about 'unwanted contact' was filed
By Jenni Frazer
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The Duke of Sussex has revealed his admiration for the late chief rabbi in his new book
By Josh Kaplan
Children around the world will mark his second yahrzeit with a special programme of study
The former Prime Minister recalls words of wisdom from the late Rabbi Sacks and the importance of faith in bridging differences and creating a better world
By Daniel Ben-David
But it is fair to say that overall Judaism in Britain today is more self-assured and vibrant than at any previous stage in our history
By Harry Freedman
By Rabbi Lord Sacks
The late Chief Rabbi described the Queen as one of the 'great unifying forces in Britain'