
Witness in Al Jazeera film expelled by Labour

Local activist Damian McCarthy - who was allegedly behind a Twitter account that claimed Zionists collaborated with the Nazis - is kicked out of party

April 4, 2023 09:35
Screenshot 2022-09-28 at 14.41.23
1 min read

A Labour activist who was allegedly behind a Twitter account that claimed Zionists collaborated with the Nazis and called the Chief Rabbi “a white supremacist” says he has been expelled by the party.

Damian McCarthy, a former barrister who was disbarred for fabricating client letters, last week disclosed the outcome of Labour’s long-running internal investigation into his conduct.

McCarthy had previously featured in an Al Jazeera documentary that suggested Labour’s antisemitism scandal was concocted to undermine the leadership of Corbyn.

The JC revealed last year how digital analysis suggested McCarthy was linked to a Twitter account, Truth and Justice, which claimed “Zionists worked hand in hand with Nazis to send innocent Jews to their deaths… then worked to establish the racist state of Israel”.

The account, which has since closed, also claimed, “Jews are gassing people in Gaza” and that the Board of Deputies “actively supports racists, fascists and antisemites”.

Following the death of former chief rabbi Lord Sacks in 2020, it attacked him as “a horrible racist and supporter of apartheid” and called his successor, Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis, “a racist and white supremacist”.

An investigation by specialist social media researchers GnasherJew highlighted how links to Truth and Justice posts appeared on McCarthy’s own Facebook page and that of the Brighton and Hove Labour Party, which he helped run.

Now McCarthy claims he was thrown out the party as part of a witch-hunt, accusing Labour’s disciplinary process of being a “kangaroo court”.

He went on: “Jeremy Corbyn has been forbidden from standing as a Labour MP in a shockingly undemocratic decision by Keir Starmer.”

In the Al Jazeera film, The Labour Files, McCarthy claimed his life was shattered by threats against him and his family by Corbyn’s enemies.

McCarthy describes himself as “an employment law specialist” but was disbarred by the Bar Standards Board in 2016.

His company’s website says: “I am a Senior Advocate…and not a barrister in independent practice. This means I can offer a superior level of service to clients.”
McCarthy did not respond to a request for comment.