The annual meeting of Chabad emissaries happened just days after Rabbi Zvi Kogan’s murder in Abu Dhabi
By Jay Deitcher
Teshuvah Across the Waters offers black Jews the chance to explore their roots by visiting communities throughout the African and Jewish diaspora
PowerHouse Books in Brooklyn cancelled the launch of Joshua Leifer’s book Tablets Shattered, claiming they ‘would not permit a Zionist on the premises’
By Eliana Jordan
The Brooklyn-based restaurant is a updated slice of Hungary’s history
By Josh Kaplan
According to media reports, the man was a Pakistani immigrant who allegedly shouted “I’m gonna kill all the Jews”
By Faygie Holt
Security footage appears to show a man harassing Jewish
The city's Charedi community said the costs of compliant equipment could put them out of business
By JC Reporter
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