Professor Kristina Hultgren, who teaches linguistics at the Open University, justified Palestinian ‘resistance’ and suggested ‘false allegations of antisemitism’ are used to silence criticism of Israel
By Jane Prinsley
‘The Princess Bride’ actor compared Israel to the Nazis during a podcast appearance this week
By Eliana Jordan
The former Conservative minister terminated an interview with the former Bristol professor
By Lorin Bell-Cross
Manor Solomon, previously signed by Tottenham Hotspur, has been the target of anti-Israel and antisemitic abuse online
By Anonymous
Imagine enduring an entire academic year in which Jewish students are openly targeted at other prestigious institutions – including your own – without a single word from your university
PowerHouse Books in Brooklyn cancelled the launch of Joshua Leifer’s book Tablets Shattered, claiming they ‘would not permit a Zionist on the premises’
Comedian goes on social media rampage following furore over Fringe incident
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By Nicole Lampert
However bad we might feel about our lot, the other side are feeling even worse
Opposition to Walthamstow Gails prompts anti-Israel accusations against the chain’s ‘Zionist mogul’ owner
People who believe in the existence of Israel were barred from the absurdist comedy show
Massoud Shadjareh accuses Zionists of ‘weaponising’ the murder of three girls to ‘incite pogroms against Muslims’
The London tradesman claimed he ‘knew nothing’ about his brother’s Isis terror plot
By Felix Pope