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Meet the Jews going back to their roots on a ‘Birthright to Africa’ trip

Teshuvah Across the Waters offers black Jews the chance to explore their roots by visiting communities throughout the African and Jewish diaspora

October 22, 2024 10:29
ogidi community
Members of the Igbo Community in Ogidi, Nigeria
4 min read

In 2018, Yehudah Webster was accosted in Crown Heights for carrying a Torah scroll. “What are you doing?” his roommate shouted at the group of more than 20 screaming Chasidic men surrounding his car. “Would you do this if he weren’t black?”

“This has nothing to do with race,” one of the men shouted back. “I’m making sure the Torah is safe.”

Crown Heights is the Brooklyn neighbourhood that is the base for the Chabad-Lubavitch Chasidic movement. It is also home to more than 30,000 Caribbean immigrants. There is a history of tension between the two groups that exploded in 1991 during the Crown Heights riots, which left a Guyanese seven-year-old and a Jewish 29-year-old dead.

But there have also been many examples of the communities happily overlapping, with prominent black Jews growing up in the neighbourhood, popular multi-ethnic bands using their music to bring the communities together and Chabadnics marrying Jewish Jamaicans (who call themselves Jew-maicans), some of whom sell kosher jerk chicken on the side of the road during the Labor Day Parade.