Rabbi and educator Aviad Tabory explores watershed events and major issues in modern Israeli history through the lens of halakha
By Dr Harris Bor
A more than timely work from the chairman of World Mizrachi, Rabbi Doron Perez
By Simon Rocker
Ayelet Gundar-Goshen’s latest novel explores how well we know the people we love
By Anne Joseph
Former protégé of leading historian Norman Davies has written a crucial addition to Holocaust bibliography
By Daniel Snowman
Hila Blum's novel is a book that becomes part of you and helps you understand the world around you
By Keren David
In the second of three weekly extracts from his new book, JC editor Jake Wallis Simons digs into its ideological origins
By Jake Wallis Simons
Bangles singer Susanna Hoffs’ debut never fails to entertain even if her understanding of Britain seems solely shaped by Jilly Cooper and Richard Curtis
By Jennifer Lipman
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There's plenty to admire in an unconventional biography of George Weidenfeld
By Stephen Pollard
Simon Burstein once ran South Molton Street retail landmark Browns - now he is applying his considerable skills to preserve the art of book binding
By Melanie Abrams
A copy of the book written by the celebrated Jewish boxer sold for twice as much as expected
By Katie Grant
Sympathetic grasp of artistic genius behind some of the greatest poetry of the 20th century
By Mark Glanville
Hila Blum tells of the therapeutic effect of writing her book How to Love your Daughter
Spirited Israeli writer whose words pulsated with the history of his homeland
By Gloria Tessler
A new book explores the Lados group who created false passports to allow those persecuted by Nazi-occupiers to escape
By Felix Pope
Sarah Bernstein’s second novel made the longlist for the Booker Prize this week, but she’s surprised to be in the literary limelight
Nuanced picture of Israel explores its spirit of innovation, identity politics, culture wars and inability to agree a border with the Palestinians
By Colin Shindler