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Osip Mandelstam: A Biography review - The poet who dared to criticise Stalin

Sympathetic grasp of artistic genius behind some of the greatest poetry of the 20th century

August 17, 2023 15:41
2 min read

Osip Mandelstam:
a Biography
by Ralph Dutli
(translated by Ben Fowkes)
Verso, £25

Much has been written by and about Osip Mandelstam, arguably the greatest Russian poet since Alexander Pushkin and one of the finest writers of the 20th century.

Besides the poetry, his 1928 novella The Egyptian Stamp is a worthy heir to Gogol’s The Overcoat and Dostoevsky’s The Double, while his non-fiction essays establish him as one of the century’s finest writers on writing.

His widow Nadezhda’s own superbly written books about her husband, Hope Against Hope (1970) and Hope Abandoned (1973), did more than anything to bring the poet to the attention of the wider reading world.

Ralph Dutli, the Swiss author of this German-language biography, supplies the latest addition to an expanding corpus of Mandelstam scholarship. Dutli is concerned that “the persistent reduction of the poet’s life to a tale of martyrdom has led to a failure to recognise Mandelstam’s literary greatness”.

Mandelstam’s life story cannot be disentangled from his work. Like other great Jewish writers of the mid-20th century, such as his admirer Paul Celan, Mandelstam’s essentially lyrical voice was hijacked by the brutal times he endured.

Though famed as a founder of Acmeism, which preached clarity of language and form, Mandelstam was originally inspired by Symbolism whose “literary fury” never left him, especially in his most famous poem, the 1933 Stalin Epigram that led to his death five years later, aged 47, in the notorious Kolyma Gulag.

The blunt invective of the epigram, including the lines: “All we hear is the Kremlin mountaineer, The soul-corrupter and peasant-slayer” is not typical of a poet who once claimed “comprehensible language is boring for me”, and in his later poetic credo, Octaves, placed the connection between writing and breathing at the heart of the creative endeavour.

Mandelstam did not begin by writing verse down, instead “muttering the words as he walked back and forth”.