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The award-winning novel which asks: 'What happens when parents get things wrong?'

Hila Blum tells of the therapeutic effect of writing her book How to Love your Daughter

August 17, 2023 14:57
EJ63P7 Cologne, Germany. 20th Mar, 2015. Israeli author Hila Blum reads at the international literature festival Lit.Cologne in Cologne, Germany, 20 March 2015. Photo: Horst Galuschka - NO WIRE SERVICE -/dpa/Alamy Live News
4 min read

As a parent, every day is fraught with choices. What they should wear or eat, how to deal with their tantrums or get them to sleep, and, later how to help them navigate friendships or relationships.

But are there consequences of those seemingly small judgments? Could a single one create a ripple effect?

That’s the question behind Hila Blum’s award-winning novel English-language debut How to Love your Daughter, which follows Yoella, grappling with a prolonged estrangement from her child.

Once so close, why are they strangers now? What led Leah to have children herself and yet not tell her mother, leaving Yoella, as Blum puts it, having “granddaughters without being their grandmother”. What did she get wrong?

Blum started considering the subject when her own daughter was seven; she is now 19. As a relatively new parent, she was struck by what seemed like an infinite number of daily decisions demanded by parenting.

“Some were tiny, of course, and some were enormous, but always decisions, decisions.

"And of course we operate based on our world knowledge and our instincts. I was struck by the impossibility of predicting the accumulated long-term effect of all the decisions.”

Most parents, she suggests, are well-intentioned, driven by what they believe to be right. “Yet they can still sometimes arrive at doing the wrong thing. I was concerned by the potential of benign intentions to lead to negative outcomes, because there’s such an abundance of blind spots for us.”

For Blum, a book editor who writes in her spare time, the novel was therapeutic. “It was sort of a vessel for my fears,” she says. “I set down to write a novel about the damage that can be done even when we try to do our best in caring for our children.”

The book, Blum’s second novel, interrogates the reliability of memory. “We all have been first-hand witnesses to our childhood,” she says, but the stories we tell “have necessarily undergone a great deal of mediation and processing and editing”, whether intentionally or otherwise.

As the cliché goes, we can never really know the truth of what’s going on in other people’s lives. But, says Blum, “in many ways we also don’t know enough about our lives”. There’s this tension between “the emotional cargo” we carry and the narratives we tell ourselves.