President Issac Herzog will be the first Israeli head of state to visit the Kingdom of Bahrain
By Ben Bloch
A highly original and enjoyable take on Israel’s first woman leader
By Amanda Hopkinson
By Anshel Pfeffer
Predictions that a stable government would be formed in the space of a few days have now evaporated
Jerusalem's deputy mayor Fleur Hassan Nahum gives her analysis on why Religious Zionist alliance won so many votes
By David Rose
Jennie Milne's pictures of the forgotten victims of terrorism - the survivors - went on display at an exhibition at Wimbledon Synagogue and are now published in a book
By Karen Glaser
The JC has obtained a photo of Anneliese Dodds smiling alongside hard-left politician Ruth George, who suggested a group of anti-Corbyn politicians may have been funded by Israel
By Georgia L Gilholy
Palestinian songs celebrating violence targeting Jews are aired on Arabic language service without challenge
By Jonathan Sacerdoti
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There was damage to the hull, but no injuries have been reported, and no oil spill has occurred, according to Eastern Pacific Shipping
The attacker was shot dead by Israeli forces as he attempted to flee
By Felix Pope
One Israeli tourist said she was just metres from the explosion, which left eight dead and 80 injured
The former president has previously said Jewish Democrats are 'very disloyal'
Technion University-based David Meiri's research explores the vast therapeutic potential of various types of marijuana, and is particularly directed at its effect on cancer, inflammatory diseases and neural disorders
By Jenni Frazer
No one makes a similar demand of pro-EU politicians, when member states have far-right presidents and prime ministers
By Ian Austin
Planning his new executive, Netanyahu faces a mixture of global challenges and opportunities
Judy Silkoff was in the Holy Land for four days as part of a study tour comprised of Jews, Christians and Muslims
By Judy Silkoff
Food technologists at the Technion in Haifa developed the dessert while searching for cheap, protein-packed food for older people