The Pope reportedly made the pledge at a meeting at the Vatican with the families of the captives
By Ben Bloch
The 4.5m high structure is comprised of 130,000 bricks
By Georgia L Gilholy
Francesca Albanese condemned 'politically-motivated attacks against my mandate'
By Felix Pope
By The JC Leader
The JC Leader, 16 December 2022
The Isramani party could be described as the lovechild of a cool barmitzvah and a club in Tel Aviv
By Victoria Prever
By Anshel Pfeffer
On Tuesday evening, when the 25th Knesset’s first round of serious legislation coincided with the World Cup semi-final between Argentina and Croatia, the exclusive 'horseshoe' room just happened to be packed
Some tell the JC of their pride at the team reaching the semi-final this week, others voice unease over the team identifying itself so prominently with the Palestinian cause
By Natalie Lisbona
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Professor tells the JC that their demands to empower the Knesset to overturn human rights rulings would make Israel vulnerable to prosecution at the International Criminal Court
By David Rose
Employees of a consultancy firm are accused of spying on Palestinian expatriates
Billions of male chickens are killed each year as they do not lay eggs
A dig revealed a box of coins which may have been hidden by Jewish rebels in the Judean Desert
The US was ranked as the 20th most ‘deadly’ travel destination
The Israeli military conducted an internal review following Sunday's incident where a 16-year-old Palestinian girl was shot and killed
Julia Pascal's gripping play asks why Jewish nationalism should not be seen as morally equivalent to other nationalisms
By John Nathan
Gili Yalo used to hide his identity in Israel, but that's all changed
By Elisa Bray
Benjamin Netanyahu hopes to make a state visit to Riyadh, says former UN permanent representative