Party in Netanyahu’s coalition government accuses organisations of secretly planning to infect Israel’s education system with liberal values
By David Rose
Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis said the Torah ‘forbids hate’
By Georgia L Gilholy
It comes amid plans to expand front-line roles for women after recruits threatened legal action
A change in immigration law will be aimed at dissuading new immigrants who make Aliyah from obtaining a passport and then leaving the country
By Daniel Ben-David
The Lapid appointee claims the Likud-led coalition is 'undemocratic and illegitimate'
A slew of new roles have been created as Likud heads into coalition with several hard-right partners
It comes weeks after the Shiite-majority country said it would open a Tel Aviv embassy
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By Misha Mansoor
With increasing division, intolerance and bigotry, the country feels like a different place now
Post-traumatic stress disorder is rife in the Israel Defense Forces and suicide is the leading cause of death for soldiers
By Gloria Tessler
By Anshel Pfeffer
Bennett burned his bridges on the right, Lapid failed to cajole Labour and Meretz into merging
Two-thirds of Israeli Christians are Arab and are over-represented in law and computer science subjects
'One-state utopia' is more preferable option for young Palestinians
The soccer star tweeted that the killing of West Bank gunman Ahmed Daraghmeh was ‘awful’
Support could be offered to help rebuild health, water, agriculture, housing and education infrastructure
By Paul Cainer
The most senior are still waiting to hear from Netanyahu what post, if any, awaits them in his new government
The German president joined the grandchildren of the photographer to light the candles on Monday, 91 years after the photograph was taken
By Ben Bloch