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'Palestinians have been here for 1.5m years, Jews for 3000' claims senior Palestinian official

Rawhi Fattouh said Jerusalem belonged 'exclusively to the Palestinians, the Arabs and the Muslims'

June 7, 2023 14:33
Screenshot 2023-06-07 at 15.18.09
1 min read

A Palestinian official has claimed that Arabs have inhabited Jerusalem for over 1.5 million years, while Jews have only been in the region for 6000.

At an event in Algeria, the Palestinian National Council President Rawhi Fattouh spoke of Jerusalem belonging “exclusively to the Palestinians, the Arabs and the Muslims.”

He said: “Palestine in its entirety belongs to us, and to no one else. We do not share it with anyone. Humans appeared in Palestine 1.5 million years ago. The first human civilization appeared in the ancient caves on Mount Carmel, in Palestine.

“The first Kebaran civilization and the first Kebaran engineering civilization appeared in the Kebara Cave, 60,000 years ago. Our Jebusite forefathers built Palestine – and especially Jerusalem – in 5,000 BC.

