The broadcaster amended the video after Camera made a complaint
By Imogen Garfinkel
Atallah Hanna allegedly shared his ‘reverence’ for Hassan Nasrallah and labelled the terror commander a ‘martyr’ in a letter to the group
By Jacob Jaffa
The online encyclopaedia has come under fire for alleged ‘anti-Israel bias’ in its articles
By JC Reporter
The Pinsker Centre says students are keen to hear why Israel, like other nations, has the right to exist
By Lorin Bell-Cross
Dozens of Israeli hostages could be released from Gaza in exchange for a reported six week ceasefire
By Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib
The cause has been hijacked by extremists but giving up will only create a vicious cycle
Rabbi Gideon Sylvester was told the interview would be about Chanukah
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By Melanie Phillips
As Jews are targeted, thousands in the West are parroting falsehoods about Israel
The broadcaster had been accused of erasing Jews in his description of Mary
Labour source hits back at ‘Corbynite rump’ for not mentioning Hamas or hostages
JLC say plan could ‘damage’ community cohesion
An advert for the event named compositions such as “Salute to the Resistance” and “Blood United Us”
Former Tory minister has previously been investigated for comments made on radio station LBC
Jordanian singer previously quit the Islamic festival after he was revealed to have sung that ‘all the Jews will pay’
By Felix Pope
The post commemorating the terror chief featured inverted red triangles
‘Keep trying to defame me as antisemitic,’ says Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu, doubling down on her anti-Israel comments
By Jane Prinsley