
Group calls on Britons to root out ‘Zionists’ and have them sacked

The Brixton branch of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign also urges the public not to speak to ‘Zionists’

February 17, 2023 17:26
(@pscbrixton via Instagram)
1 min read

A pro-Palestinian group in London is urging British workers to root out “Zionist” colleagues and have them fired. A pamphlet posted on Instagram by a Brixton branch of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) says that “Zionists need to be called out”. 

It goes on: “Is your co-worker a Zionist? Is your teacher/lecturer a Zionist? Campaign for them to be fired. “Zionism justifies the genocide of Palestinians, do not tolerate it. Enough is enough.”

The booklet also urges people to refuse to speak to people who support the existence of the Jewish state, writing: “Why engage in conversation with a supporter of this? “ZIONISM: An inherently violent & terroristic movement for colonising Palestine through the theft of Palestinian land and the ethnic cleansing of indigenous Palestinians in order to create a Jewish-supremacist settler colony.” 

The booklet instead advises followers to “Focus on educating yourself and others.” 

“Demand your country boycott & sanction Israel, get your country’s Israeli ambassador expelled, & don’t talk to Zionists,” it suggests. “Zionists have no valid arguments, why are you arguing facts with extremism rooted in racism, propaganda, and dehumanisation of Palestinians? 

“We have history, facts, statistics, morality, international law & people power on our side. Leave the Zionists behind. “Especially don't debate Zionists. There are not two debatable sides when it comes to Israeli settler genocide of indigenous Palestinians and Israeli settler colonial siege of Palestine. Choosing to engage in debate with Zionists is entertaining the notion that facts are debatable. They are not. 

“Talking with Zionists wanting to debate what has happened to Palestine and is still happening to Palestine, dehumanises Palestinians. Don't do it.” The paper also claims that Zionists are a “brainwashed, racist minority”, and that “if a Zionist wants to talk to you, direct them to a therapist. As no logical, sane or moral person is a Zionist.” 

The booklet is watermarked with the logo of Key48Return, an online group that advocates for the return of Palestinian refugees to Israel, and has claimed Israel has a "systemic role in [Jeffrey] Epstein's global pedophile ring." 

A spokesperson for Campaign Against Antisemitism said: “This Instagram post is nothing short of incitement by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, amongst whose supporters there has been a long history of antisemitism. Zionism is simply the movement to afford Jews the right of self-determination in Israel afforded to other peoples all over the world and recognised in Article 1 of the UN Charter. 

"The claim that Zionism is racism is, therefore, an attempt to deny Jews, uniquely, the right to self-determination, which breaches the International Definition of Antisemitism. "In addition to the incendiary and grotesque insinuation that Zionism is a mental health disorder and the call to have Zionists fired from their places of work, this post by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign constitutes clear incitement and intimidation.”