Members of the Labour group mocked Preston Jewish community and said hostage vigil was ‘difficult to walk past’
By Jane Prinsley
The Sephardi group successfully appealed to the Zionist Supreme Court in Jerusalem for recognition
By Simon Rocker
The predominance of Zionism continues to pose challenges for Judaism, Oxford’s professor of Israel studies argues in his new book
The long-distance runner and influencer from Germany is using her sporting profile to spread her love of Israel
By Ellie Grant
They grew up together in the London Jewish community. But now her friend has changed his views.
By Sarah Lyons
Jeremy Ben-Ami has a bold new vision for Israeli-Palestinian relations
The London Initiative, launched by Sir Mick Davis and Mike Prashker, aims to promote liberal democracy in Israel
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The charity said they were ‘deeply’ sorry and the staff member was suspended pending an investigation
By Lorin Bell-Cross
Leading rabbis have seen religious significance in the symbol of the Jewish state
By Simon Eder
Leading thinkers believed that a reborn Jewish state would enable Jews to live out the ideals of Judaism more fully
By Professor Melissa Raphael
A young activist and entrepreneur set out their visions on hasbarah, Jewish identity and our relationship with Israel in extracts from a new book, ‘Young Jewish Voices’
By JC Reporter
The professor said it was like “having a White nationalist teach about the US Civil Rights movement and the struggle for Black equality”
Trump is likely to embolden religious hardliners in Israel, who will feel destiny is unfolding
The Celtic Marine Bar is in Bundoran, a picturesque town on Ireland’s Atlantic coast
By Felix Pope
By Sonia Zvedeniuk
Zionism is embedded in the Jewish faith and in thousands of years of Jewish history
But significant minority believe Israel’s actions in Gaza clash with their Jewish values