BDS ‘amounts to discrimination’, say Jewish leaders as cinema prepares to vote on adopting the anti-Israel movement
By Jane Prinsley
Luke Akehurst said it is pernicious to divest from British defence during such perilous times
By Lorin Bell-Cross
The Glasgow Film Theatre removed the fizzy drink from its lineup following a push from unionised staff
The former Labour leader’s Peace and Justice Project urged the rapper to ‘help us take genocide off the menu’
Candida Gertler is co-founder of the Outset fund, which has raised millions for the arts
By JC Reporter
Patrick Collison prompted a strew of anti-Israel comments when he said he liked to run on the Tayelet
The Guardian deleted an Israeli whisky from a drinks column by Henry Jeffreys, before reinstating it. Here, he explains why the Israeli tipple is so good
By Henry Jeffreys
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The iconic community-owned grocer in Brooklyn has become the focus of anti-Israel campaigners
By Jay Deitcher
The lead singer of the rock band told the activist to ‘hop up on stage’ and make his comments to the audience
By Imogen Garfinkel
UK Lawyers for Israel claimed similar anti-Israel boycotts have faced legal action
Axa is reported to have removed around £15 million of investment from three Israeli banks alleged to be complicit in supporting Israeli settlements
By Felix Pope
Greens back wide-ranging anti-Israel motion at their autumn conference
Five activists caused over £1 million worth of damage to arms factory
Avon and Somerset Police searching for additional suspects
Announcement comes amid speculation of arms embargo on the Jewish state
Organisers of Glasgow International Festival of Contemporary Arts say the event complied with BDS principles