The show’s star Myles Frost matches the moves of the best dancer of a generation
By John Nathan
Did this ballet really need a modern tweak?
By Joy Sable
The air was charged with the cathartic sense of sterotypes at last being dimantled
Comedy featuring the ‘Jewish Bridget Jones’ and a klezmer celebration are among the best Jewish cultural events coming up this season
By Katie Grant
Golda Amirova’s Jewish journey of courage, comedy and conflict
By Jane Prinsley
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Swan Lake is a gem, and visitors from New York provide a fascinating contrast
Maybenburg’s play warns the Shoah was not the end of German antisemitism
Four young choreographers showcase their work
This family reunion is great – but it’s no Jerusalem
Ticket prices are high but for fans of Neil Simon this is an unmissable revival
Tricia Thorns’s ambitious production vaults us powerfully back to a particular moment in Anglo-Jewish history
Joy Sable enjoys a modern classic