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New York’s 4-foot kosher hamantasch helping to feed the homeless

The giant cookie was produced to launch the Masiba kosher soup kitchen’s Purim fundraiser

March 6, 2024 14:44
Huge hamantasch is the weight of an average six-year-old Photo: Masbia Soup Kitchen

ByVictoria Prever, Victoria Prever

1 min read

Hot on the heels of the record breaking thirty-five feet long challah, Brooklyn’s Strauss Bakery has been involved in producing another oversized Jewish bake.

Last weekend, the kosher bakery provided oven space for a huge kosher hamantasch. The giant Purim treat was created to launch a fundraising drive for Masbia — a kosher soup kitchen and food bank — which hopes to harness the spirit of giving that is part of Purim.

The triangular treat weighs in at fifty pounds (which converts to three and a half stones or twenty-two and a half kilos) and is nearly four feet long — roughly equivalent to the weight of an average six-year-old.

The New York Jewish Week reported that the oversized cookie, filled with apricot jam was unveiled at the Congregation Orach Chaim on the city’s Upper East Side on Sunday.
The charity hoped the headline-grabbing hamantasch would raise profile for their Hamantaschen for Hunger Initiative via which they hope to raise money for needy New Yorkers through selling gourmet hamantaschen in the run up to Purim.