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Sweet sumac ptitim pudding

A Middle Eastern take on a British comfort classic

March 17, 2022 11:04
Sweet Ptitim Pudding
Photo; Inbal Bar-Oz
1 min read

Cook: 25 minutes

Serves: 4 - 5

You’ll want to just dive into this pudding. Sumac and labaneh add freshness and cut through the fat.

  • Pre-cook your ptitim: add half the butter to a pan, and add the ptitim. Stir over medium-high heat until very lightly toasted and fully coated, then add the water.

  • Bring to a boil and reduce the heat to medium.

  • Cover with a lid and cook until all the water is gone – about 7-8 minutes. Switch off and leave the lid on.


For the pudding:
250g p’titim
300ml water
60g labaneh plus a tablespoon (separated)
60ml double cream
1-2tbsp sugar (caster or soft light brown)
½ tsp sumac
50g butter
1–2 tsp icing sugar