Cultivating creativity in school is indispensible for later life
By Rabbi Daniel Fine
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King David Liverpool is the best North-West comprehensive in the newspaper’s annual Parent Power list.
By Simon Rocker
Five Jewish schools make the top 100 for academic progress nationally
New twinning programme hopes to deepen pupil’s ties with Israel
Pupils usually come from families who are already struggling financially
A pioneering study into the lives of young Jews reveals the impact of Jewish education
By Dr Helena Miller
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The Haskel special educational school was declared ‘outstanding’
Primary pupils will be offered places at Kerem in new collaboration between the schools
Sussex University has been awarded five year-grant to research the influence of AI, computer games and digital media on understanding of the Shoah
By Daniel Ben-David
Multi-academy trusts will remain the way forward for many schools, believes Adam Goldstein, the new ceo of the Jewish Community Academy Trust
Inspectors report high academic expectations at secondary schools in Salford and London
Creating healthy digital habits is crucial to children’s wellbeing
By Gemma Handelsman