King David High School Manchester forecasts 500 per cent increase in annual electricity costs to £700,000 by spring
By Simon Rocker
Start the week with our Jewish knowledge test
Jewish cemeteries can be used as a history resource
The existing squeeze on budgets is set to get worse
Start the week with our Jewish knowledge challenge
Children around the world will mark his second yahrzeit with a special programme of study
By JC Reporter
Early years should not be treated as the Cinderella of education
By Helen Style
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The Hertfordshire secondary will run a bulge class for the second year in succession
Start the week with our Jewish knowledge quiz
Excellent head and strong staff team give children 'best possible start'
Governors reluctant to accept findings of previous inspection, follow-up report says
Chabad's Senior Girls' School achieves a good rating from inspectors
Retired head Alan Shaw is bringing children of different faiths together to sing
Offices have been converted into classrooms to fit in pupils
Little Goldies was shut earlier this year