Gorgeous-looking for a healthy starter or snack
By Silvia Nacamulli
These delicious, crunchy biscuits keep well and are perfect for gifts as you can make them well in advance.
They make great party food as they are easy to prepare in advance and to assemble last minute.
A delicious alternative to potato crisps
This fun dessert is traditional for Succot in the Emilia Romagna region in the North of Italy
This light, refreshing salad is an excellent starter or side dish for your festive meal.
Summer on a plate
This Roman ricotta tart spiked with tart cherries makes a perfect Shavuot pud.
This is an easy side dish that is full of flavour. Blanching the asparagus first removes its toughness and searing with toasted sesame oil and seeds adds a nutty kick. The sea salt crystals at the end finish it off.
A useful and tasty Pesach-friendly, suppertime dish
This moist delicate cake is a classic at my family's Seder in Rome.
(Baked with bechamel and parmesan)