The letter was written after Al Qaeda's attack on the United States that killed nearly 3,000 people in 2001
By Richard Percival
Paul Kessler died at a pro-Israel march earlier this month
By Ben Clerkin
Bella Ingber, Sabrina Maslavi and Saul Tawil accused the university of 'egregious civil rights violations'
Event organisers called the rally the 'largest pro-Israel event in history'
By Josh Kaplan
By Dominic Green
Events in the Middle East can have an influence on US elections - and that influence often damages the incumbent president
'Jews will never be safe until Israel is safe and secure' says 94-year David Schaecter in open letter to Spielberg
By Eliana Jordan
The baristas at Israeli-owned business Caffe Aronne resigned after being asked to remove Palestine flag badges
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The measure is just one step short of expulsion
By JC Reporter
The Israeli star intends to raise awareness of atrocities by showing the uncensored 47-minute compilation released by the IDF
Paul Kessler died at hospital on Monday after being hit on the head by a megaphone
By Rosa Doherty
She had been incensed by a Star of David on the exterior of the building
The 'Maga communist' has repeatedly been banned from social media after spreading fake news
By Hannah Gillott
Sohaib Abuayyash was not allowed to use firearms but posted with guns on social media
Columbia University administration pledges to pay for 'privacy experts' to safeguard the identities of activists
The US vice president announced the ‘first ever US National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia’ on Wednesday
Jewish students at several universities have been targeted by anti-Israel groups