A trio of mothers will produce the display in the capital this weekend to symbolise the 'unnatural loss' suffered by desperate and grieving families
By Elisa Bray
CAA said the act was 'lowest of the low'
By Daniel Ben-David
The testimony of a survivor of the Nova music festival was also read aloud
The Metropolitan police deployed 1000 extra officers at huge protest
By JC Reporter
The mayor of London met with members of Jewish community in Golders Green yesterday
Attendees at the rally, organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, sang 'There is only one solution, intifada revolution'
There was a sombre but defiant atmosphere as thousands of British Jews and non-Jews came together to show their support
By Katie Grant
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There's a real-life Cinderella story behind Israel's favourite ice cream
By Victoria Prever
The Conservative Mayor of London candidate hit back at her critics amid a furore over her claim that Sadiq Khan’s 'divisive attitude' leaves Jews 'frightened'
By Richard Percival
Richard Prais also allegedly sent the girl a picture of himself naked
By Orlando Radice
A joint project between the zoo and South Hampstead Synagogue, the succah has been decorated by children from the local shul
By Gaby Wine
Radlett's very own Bagels + Schmear are supplying the iconic food retailer with their doughy delights
The Jewish contribution to fashion is being celebrated at a new exhibition opening in October
By Jan Shure
A new book released by Amy Winehouse's family catalogues the life of the little Jewish girl under the beehive
By Viola Levy
Sunday's Defend Israeli Democracy UK demonstration in Trafalgar Square drew up to 1,500 British and Israeli Jews
The Jewish trio are returning to London for the first time since last summer