Speaking to the JC from Israel, Mr Streeting said he had personally experienced the increase in confidence
By David Rose
By Marc Goldberg
The word 'peace' is never used - instead, violence is praised
Shireen Abu Akleh was killed in Jenin earlier today
By Felix Pope
By Jenni Frazer
Yaakov Hagoel, pro tem chairman of the Jewish Agency, has written an angry letter to himself as chair of the WZO, over events at the Kotel
By David Aberbach
Until the French Revolution, and for much afterwards, the world was galut (exile) to Jews - except for the land of Israel.
By Alan Aziz
Just why do the British media prefer spurious apartheid smears to extraordinary medical and technological breakthroughs?
Two separate PCR tests have been required for all non-Israelis to enter Israel
By Ben Bloch
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Two Palestinian men were captured near the heavily ultra-Orthodox city
By Anshel Pfeffer
What has almost certainly kiboshed the Vienna talks on a deal with the Iranians is the Russian invasion of Ukraine
A manhunt is underway to find the attackers
A manhunt has been launched to find the attacker
The comments sparked outrage across Israel
The move has been made to remove the potential of loud bangs triggering former soldiers to suffer post traumatic stress disorder by reminding them of gunfire and bombing
Members of the Parents Circle-Families Forum, tell of their shared determination to work together
By Jotam Confino
By Jonathan Boyd
As we celebrate Israel’s independence, we should focus on the positives rather than Jew hate
Screenings of comedies, dramas, thrillers, documentaries and a hit TV series will take place across the UK
By Keren David