By John Nathan
Stephen Fry and Lena Dunham on how they connected with their Jewishness while shooting a road movie in Poland
By James Mottram
Documentary film-maker David Herman’s latest work charts the history of Jewish self-defence in the UK. John Nathan meets him
A film about a north London grandfather caught with the Metropolitan Police’s largest-ever crystal meth haul is out this week
By Nicole Lampert
‘Hollywoodland: Jewish Founders and the Making of a Movie Capital’ has drawn criticism from industry activists for its reportedly negative portrayal of Jewish Hollywood pioneers
By Eliana Jordan
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Now a new film is telling Maxwell Smart’s story
Few documentaries have more to say about filmmaking than this one about Powell and Pressburger
This would work as a Saturday Night Live sketch, but that’s about it
Kit Vincent’s film ‘Red Herring’ tracks his family’s devastation after they were told he was terminally ill. His father tells our writer about how life has moved on since
Jerry Seinfeld, the man who created and starred in one of the greatest TV comedies of all time, has now turned out an instant classic with his very first film
By Stephen Pollard
I meet the director of a new film about a six-year-old snatched from his family – after he’d been baptised by the family maid