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Unfrosted review: Seinfeld’s cereal classic snaps, crackles and pops

Jerry Seinfeld, the man who created and starred in one of the greatest TV comedies of all time, has now turned out an instant classic with his very first film

May 2, 2024 18:00
Hugh Grant as Thurl in Unfrosted Credit: Netflix
2 min read


Netflix | ★★★★★

Can you remember the last film that had you laughing – and smiling – from the very start, right through to the end, with no let up and no dull patches? I’m struggling. There are obviously some very good comedies around but they all have a qualifier: dark, wry, black, teen, sophisticated, action etc. And the actual comedy is usually… well, let’s just say it’s often rationed.

Jerry Seinfeld’s Unfrosted, on the other hand, makes no claims to anything other than being just very – stonkingly – funny, in the mode of Airplane, Blazing Saddles and early Woody Allen. It’s a treat. Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I laughed so much. It’s a mood enhancer that needs no chemicals. And it’s that rare film that can genuinely be enjoyed by all age groups, on every level.