Groups of suitclad teenage boys are disrupting screenings of the new Minions movie across the world
By Josh Kaplan
A real eye-opener with a fantastic performance by Emma Thompson, who seemingly can’t put a foot wrong
By Linda Marric
Justin Kurzel directs this impressive dramatisation of the infamous 1996 Port Arthur massacre in Australia
Israel-born actress to star in Lady of the Lake, based on Laura Lippman’s best-selling book
By Nicole Lampert
The controversial Jewish filmmaker will film his 50th film in the French capital
By Ben Bloch
A touching and sometimes bleak story about the super-talented kid who fell prey to a slippery manager
This harrowing post-Holocaust drama might make for a bleak watch, but its message is that of love and forgiveness
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Francine White’s all shook up over the surprisingly Jewish heritage of Elvis Presley
By Francine White
The classic sci fi movie Blade Runner is 40 years old. Nathan Abrams argues that this AI tale can be read in a very Jewish way
By Nathan Abrams
American comedy star whose exaggerated style and bad-taste jokes delighted audiences
By Emma Klein
A prolific French filmmaker takes on the subject of euthanasia in his latest drama, based on a true story
The Academy Award winning filmmaker, who lives part-time in Tel Aviv, was honoured for his 'cinematic success' and 'strong ties to Israel'
This followup to Toy Story does not disappoint
The lawsuit claims that Paramount lost the copyright for the story in 2020 and is seeking unspecified damages
By Kate Maltby
Inglorious Basterds star Christoph Waltz is set to play iconic Jewish director Billy Wilder in a new film
Quite aside from it being just too long and too incoherent, Dominion also manages to be very boring