If Russia wins, we will have to live with the consequences for decades. Those will include a genuine fear of war, which will mean huge defence spending — and psychological costs
By Nick Cohen
Security expert Jonathan Spyer discovers the real reason why soldiers are serving on the Donbas battlefields
By Jonathan Spyer
Chief Rabbi Goldschmidt was reportedly approached by the Kremlin and the FSB and put under 'pressure' to support the invasion of Ukraine
By Ben Bloch
Suggestions that Ukraine should offer to cede territory in return for peace are greeted with scorn
By Paul Cainer
It is hard not to see a connection between the speed they mobilise for war abroad and their tolerance for military-grade violence at home
By Dominic Green
Commitment comes with 20,000 refugees having already made aliyah
By JC Reporter
The sinking of a Russian warship has been immortalised in a stamp conceived by Ukraine’s Jewish postal chief, Igor Smelyansky
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Dorit Nitzan has come out of retirement to head the World Health Organisation response in Ukraine
By Jenni Frazer
The Ukrainian president was honoured by Joe Biden in the prestigious list
By Rosa Doherty
Paul Cainer visits the Black Sea port of Odessa, where he finds optimism and faith amid the mistrust of strangers
The charity has been under investigation since March following government sanctions on Russian oligarchs
Paul Cainer follows Oleksii Tolkachov as he helps Ukrainian civilians left without food, electricity and heating
Brooks Newmark has undertaken an eight-week operation to help refugees flee the war
By Brooks Newmark
By Daniel Finkelstein
Russia’s attempt to portray Ukraine’s Jewish-led government as Nazi is a mirror image of the Nazi claim that Bolshevism was a Jewish plot – and Putin’s intentions are all too clear
Speaking to the JC in Krakow, Poland, Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis said: 'Can you get lower than that?'
By Jonathan Sacerdoti
The Prince of Wales' financial backing will support the charity's work helping those fleeing the conflict