David Beckham is reading a Hebrew blessing, Harry and Meghan are slated to be on the guest list and Snoop Dogg's set to entertain
By Nicole Lampert
NYPD shared footage of the assault as part of their inquiries
By Harry Brockhurst
Doja Cat and Jack Antonoff came away with honours
Lara Logan made the comments on a controversial right-wing podcast
The author discusses her Jewish roots and macabre new novel, Anatomy: A Love Story
By Jennifer Lipman
By Dominic Green
Cold war comedy, a chilling crisis and America's atomic Jews
The former US Secretary of State didn't learn both her parents were raised Jewish until the age of 59
By Josh Kaplan
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By Guy Walters
Joe Biden could learn lessons from The Guns of August
Kissinger would seek to talk with Putin and his ministers directly says Dominic Green
American Jews are finding religious meaning in nostalgia for the past, a new book argues
By Simon Rocker
The disgraced banker died in prison last year
'It’s possible to be overly pessimistic, about both America’s future and the Jewish place in it.'
By Josh Glancy