The Hebrew word for love is closely related to that for ‘giving’
By Rabbi Osher Chaim Levene
The scrolls are encased in a waterproof ark, which can be converted into a small bimah
By JC Reporter
We all have a Divinely bestowed sense of purpose in life if only we know where to look, writes Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson in his extract from his new book
By Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson
In an extract from his new book, Rabbi Mordechai Ginsbury offers biblical precedents for facing life’s ups and downs
By Rabbi Mordechai Ginsbury
Why saying thank you is the theme of Seed’s Clean Speech campaign next month
By Rabbi Daniel Fine
Relations between us and the most unkosher of beasts is the subject of a captivating new history
By Simon Rocker
A new book shows how to conduct a heavenly argument
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Magicians, classical music, and comedy will come together on Sunday
By Daniel Ben-David
Artistic expression can help you build a connection with the biblical text
By Rabbi Adina Allen
Newlyweds reveal how they fused two traditions to create their special day
By Elisa Bray
The loan marks a major step in the renaissance of Jewish life in Vilnius
Devon-based Miknaf Ha’aretz is looking to a build a different model of Jewish community from the suburban standard
The teachings of the Torah can help us manage time more effectively, according to a new book
“Among the cities you shall give to the Levites, shall be six cities of refuge, which you shall provide [as places] to which a murderer can flee” Numbers 35:6
By Rebbetzin Shuli Liss
The great artist’s and biblical hero’s approach to mortality show a revealing contrast
By Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum
The feminine imagery associated with Shavuot underlines the importance of women’s role in education
By Ma'ayan Shoshana Landau