PM cites lack of trust in Ronen Bar, who accused Netanyahu of ‘unfounded claims’
By Jane Prinsley
Locals thank the JC as police move anti-Israel demo away from Jewish area
Government’s new educational bill denounced as an ‘attack on fundamental rights’
By Simon Rocker
Raffi Berg has previously received death threats from activists accusing him of pro-Israel bias in his reporting
By Imogen Garfinkel
Some protestors breached the containment zone around the BBC set up by the police
By Daniel Ben-David
The Met is deploying 1,100 officers with resources from eight other forces to manage tomorrow’s controversial demonstration
Community leaders have praised the Met’s decision to re-route an upcoming Gaza march away from a central London shul
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Amid concern for pupil welfare, school in London’s poorest borough drops proposal following JC’s reporting
Attack on Saturday night drew condemnation from political figures across the spectrum
By Eliana Jordan
‘Is Netanyahu too busy keeping his coalition instead of ending this war?’ the soldier asks
Campaign Against Antisemitism claimed another group, Stop the Hate, had ‘hijacked’ their demonstration
Previously suspended MP Andy McDonald accused Israel of carrying out ‘genocide’ in Gaza
By Lorin Bell-Cross
Defacing prominent buildings is not the way to get the message across
By Gaby Wine
Labour has changed from a party of protest to a party of government, chancellor told conference
Magen Inon urged party members to back pro-peace Israelis and Palestinians
A Gatwick check-in staff member wore the badge in the shape of a Black Power fist
By JC Reporter