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Charedi groups petition government over plans to regulate yeshivot

Government’s new educational bill denounced as an ‘attack on fundamental rights’

February 12, 2025 17:03
Outside Department of Education before petition to protect yeshivot is handed in (photo: Rabbincal Committee for Traditional Charedi Chinuch)
2 min read

Strictly Orthodox groups have stepped up efforts to press government to exempt yeshivot from new legislation that they have warned could lead to the closure of the institutions.

Under the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill, which is currently before Parliament, yeshivot would be compelled to register and treated as independent schools, meaning they would have to teach secular subjects and undergo authorised inspections.

A petition signed by 15,000 people protesting against the registration plan was handed into the Department for Education on Wednesday.

The latest of a series of demonstrations staged in Westminster by the Rabbinical Committee for Traditional Charedi Chinuch, a lobby group to protect yeshivah, took place the same day.