The memorial will also be dedicated to other Polish victims of World War II and the Nazi occupation of Poland
By Richard Percival
A new book explores the Lados group who created false passports to allow those persecuted by Nazi-occupiers to escape
By Felix Pope
Colin Shindler hails a study of Jewish life that covers two millennia
By Colin Shindler
The artistic swimming team had 'tears in their eyes' after winning gold medals
By JC Reporter
Annamarie Phelps and Eve Muirhead were among the British delegation who visited the former concentration camp
By Katie Grant
An author finds himself on a film set during a pilgrimage to Silesia
By Nicholas Lezard
Statue by city boy who fled on last children’s train in 1939 is rededicated in special ceremony
By Daniel Ben-David
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The site is an important Charedi pilgrimage site and is estimated to have hundreds of dead bodies
A Polish official attacked the star on Twitter after she said her family died in the country
By Josh Kaplan
The multimedia project, which is now looking for testimonies, seeks to raise awareness of a forgotten chapter of history and utilize it as a means to combat hatred and antisemitism today
The controversial stall which first appeared last month has caused a significant amount of upset
Barbara Engelking said Poles ‘failed’ Jews during the Second World War
After fears rapid development would prevent site's commemoration, government announces plan will go ahead
By Liam Hoare
By Isabel Sawkins
In the context of the communist legacy, relatively low observance rates are really good news
The city of Lodz was home to almost a quarter of a million Jews prior to World War II
By Georgia L Gilholy
From 1940 onwards, site was home to Polish port city remaining 600 Jews - now it is being rapidly redeveloped