Darryl Cooper claims people simply ‘ended up dead’ at Nazi concentration camps
By Ellie Grant
The song, Erika, has gone viral on TikTok, attracting millions of views
By Jane Prinsley
The firm employed 800 forced labourers from 1940-45, according to a new report
By Hannah Gillott
The test is seeking to increase knowledge of ‘German values’ among new immigrants
By Rob Hyde
A new documentary takes on the jaw-dropping story of Alex Kurzem, whose past as an accidental Nazi mascot has been questioned by some
By Daniel Ben-David
German historian and political scientist Dr Matthias Küntzel sees the influence of Nazi Germany in the virulent antisemitism now evident in the Arab world
German academic Mattihas Kuntzel's book offers an enlightening insight on the Nazi influence on Middle East politics
By Colin Shindler
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Peter Savaryn was awarded the Order of Canada honour in 1987
By Richard Percival
Latest installment of series explores why it fell to heroes such as Fritz Bauer and Beate Klarsfeld to finish the work of governments in securing justice for the horrors of Hitler's regime
By Josh Howie
Twelve works by the Austrian Expressionist Egon Schiele that once belonged to Fritz Grünbaum at centre of court battle
By Liam Hoare
The state security service are investigating after footage of the incident went viral
Anthony Rota said he 'deeply regretted' the decision to invite the Waffen SS member
By Josh Kaplan
A letter written by the physicist is up for auction with the proceeds going to Oxfam
Hunka, 98, served in the Waffen SS and was praised as a 'Ukrainian hero'
The outfits included SS markings, badges with swastikas and the ‘death’s head’ symbol
A newly released letter indicates the head of the Catholic Church may have known about Nazi death camps earlier than previously thought