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Fifth of US Gen Z think Hitler had ‘some good ideas’

Shocking number of Americans support some Nazi ideas, according to new polling

October 14, 2024 15:50
Hitler Getty 3167533
Shocking number of Americans said some of Adolf Hitler's ideas were 'good' (Photo: Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
1 min read

One in five Americans aged 18-29 believe that Adolf Hitler had “some good ideas” according to a new poll of 1,000 US voters conducted by the Daily Mail. The poll results also found that 21 per cent of black voters and 19 per cent of Hispanic voters thought the Nazi dictator had some redeeming qualities.

Overall, 77 per cent of respondents across the age spectrum said that Hitler was “evil,” 12 per cent said they were “unsure” and 11 per cent said that he had “some good ideas”.

But younger people were more likely to find something positive to say about Hitler. Of millennials aged 30 – 49, 16 per cent said Hitler had some good ideas, compared to just five per cent of those aged over 65.

Of those aged 65 and older, 88 per cent said Hitler was evil and had no redeeming features, while 86 per cent of those aged 50-64 said the Nazi leader was evil. This dropped to 65 per cent of 30 – 49 year olds and 59 per cent of 18 – 29 year olds.