Jewish fare in this country often tries to imitate our American cousins rather than forge its own way
By Josh Kaplan
Survey suggests a community of around 2,000 a fall of 500 in a decade, although employment opportunities are bringing younger families to the area
By Barry Toberman
By Dominic Green
Up in Montreal the Jews have stayed faithful to the old ways; bagels there are boiled before they're baked
By Vernon Bogdanor
To predict our future, we must first understand our past, especially the huge changes since the founding of the Jewish state
By Miriam Shaviv
Like those Jews who gave succour to Corbyn, his attack on the practice is a gift to its enemies
By Josh Glancy
It’s a relief to have found a partner I love and to be able to marry in the religion that is rooted so deep in my marrow
By Zoe Strimpel
When I think back, there are many little signs that suggested that I never truly belonged
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By Miriam Marson
Judaism has, from its very beginnings, accepted that humans come with abilities and disabilities
By James Inverne
Non-Jews taking Jewish roles isn’t a problem, so long as there’s equality of opportunity
By Rosa Doherty
All too often there is a culture of bullying and cliqueness that is worse than the mainstream
By Colin Shindler
The community was riven by disputes over Diaspora criticism of Israel after the Lebanon war, 40 years ago next month
By Gavriel Cohn
Both my grandfather and my great grandfather were from Munich, where it was held
By David Aaronovitch
The evangelical movement, which singles out Jews rather than Muslims or Hindus for conversion, is just plain rude – I can’t help but think about the Spanish Inquisition
I’ve sat through plenty of Bnei Mitzvahs and very rarely does anything interesting happen.
By Angela Epstein
If street parties are ruled out, we will just have to come up with a more informal celebration
By Yoni Birnbaum
It’s wrong to think of Charedim as a separate category from the mainstream community