Too much food, too much shul, too much disruption of routine leaves you keen for it to end
By Jennifer Lipman
By Jonathan Myers
We should reflect on how and why we have divided into different branches if we want to avoid further schisms in future
By Yoni Birnbaum
The generous response to our Kol Nidrei Appeal is in keeping with our community’s tradition
By Keren David
When my mother died I found the thought of it simply too much so I grieved in my own way
By David Baddiel
It says much about our community that Jewish Twitter is random people doing their best to speak out against trolls
By Jonathan Boyd
Now things are returning to normal, we can assess the longer-term impact of the pandemic
By Daniel Finkelstein
The disruptions to normal life during the mourning period for the Queen were not an annoying by-product of mourning but the point of it, as is the case during the High Holy Days
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By The JC Leader
The JC Leader, 23 September 2022
For us, Rosh Hashanah begins with the first of many family traditions a few weeks in advance.
By Claire Calman
Board of Deputies’ President Marie van der Zyl marries Labour activist Adrian Cohen at West London Synagogue
By Karen Glaser
Austrian historian Barbara Staudinger, who is not Jewish, was the unanimous choice of a jury selected by the museum’s owner
By Liam Hoare
By Peter Rosengard
Featuring a brush with the law, an inquisitive Swede... and an angry insect
By Dan Zeff
When I met my cousin, I really wasn’t prepared for his rationale for anglicising his name
By Josh Glancy
My male comrades and I have shared our experiences from nursery school to chupah
By Rabbi Miriam Berger
The Gunners' number 9 has prompted a theological debate in one rabbi's home
Hillel asks, “If not now, when?” - and with a cost of living crisis now is surely the time