Forests and woods are good for our health — and that’s reflected in the Jewish religion
By Keren David
By Misha Mansoor
When I take my mum to Golders Green, she points out every cyclist, pedestrian, dog, car, bus and low-flying bird on the horizon
By Ben Judah
Whether it’s tackling antisemitism, developing schools or philanthropy, we just do it better
By Josh Glancy
It’s not about geography or class but something even deeper
While you were munching your museli this morning, I ran five kilometres so I dare you to make ageist assumptions about me and my white hair
By Gaby Koppel
By Rob Rinder
Happy (early) New Year to you all!
By Zoe Strimpel
It’s nonsense to cling to the idea that we are somehow less likely to be violent and thuggish
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By Stephen Pollard
A discovery this week does not come as a surprise. Because nothing comes as a surprise
By The JC Leader
The JC Leader, 18 August 2023
By Katie Price
Progressive Judaism is ahead of other religions in its attitude towards homosexuality
Invest in your eyebrows, they frame the face like nothing else, even giving the illusion of a cosmetic lift
By Viola Levy
By Karen Glaser
When we are embarrassed by stories about Jews, we are reacting to two millennia of hate
We’ve got a community so rich and deep and nourishing that, at its best, it makes you feel like you’re floating in an ocean of chicken soup
The JC Leader, 4 August 2023
Shelley Whitehead believes the problem couples face is often unrealistic expectations
By Sandy Rashty
By Yanky Fachler
The story of how the garden city went from having the highest proportion of Jews to none illustrates a much bigger picture