In times of bleakness, we must look after ourselves, without feeling guilty for doing so
By Vicki Belovski
By Rob Rinder
How a trip to the Sahara made me think of the exodus
By Josh Kaplan
It’s natural in these lonely times to form a mild fixation with people with whom we share a name
Pearl Berg was born in Indiana in 1909
By JC Reporter
A shrinking percentage of UK Jewry identifies as Zionist
By Simon Rocker
A new JPR survey has found we’re getting marrying out more and getting less attached to Israel
Those with the strongest attachment to Israel also have the strongest British identity, the Institute for Jewish Policy Research found
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By Howard Jacobson
October 7 has shown how Australia’s attitude towards us has changed
By Elisa Bray
The worst thing about marrying out is the awkward conversations that you cannot avoid
In my 30 years as a psychotherapist, I’ve never known so much polarisation within once-close relationships
By David Baddiel
This is a difficult and dangerous time for Jews but we are very good at something and that is survival
By Rabbi Joseph Dweck
In our information age, facts are at our fingertips. But knowledge comes from studying truth
By Daniel Finkelstein
The BBC’s mistake is another example of the Baddiel hypothesis
Mostly I have felt desperately sad for my parents
By Misha Mansoor
By Karen Glaser
It can feel daunting and lonely combatting some of the disinformation and untruths spread online, but we need to do it
A slither of good news from my doctor amid my long battle
By Karen E H Skinazi